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Ebanisteria Italiana – Morelato @Fuori Salone del Mobile





Design: Mario Botta

Questa seduta è stata inizialmente donata dall’Archistar Mario Botta alla Fondazione Aldo Morelato nel corso dell’attività 2013. Dopo varie esposizioni e i continui successi riscontrati l’azienda Morelato ha inserito nel proprio catalogo prodotto anche questo articolo. La poltrona è in legno multistrato di betulla da 16 mm, impiallacciato in acero e assemblato ad incastro con cuscino e schienale imbottiti e rivestiti in pelle.
(Dimensioni: L80 P61 H73 cm)

Libreria CODEX

Design: Piero Lissoni

Un “codice” per Morelato firmato dall’architetto di fama mondiale Piero Lissoni.
La libreria CODEX è interamente realizzata in legno di frassino con struttura tinta nera e con ante rivestite di formica rossa. Questa libreria bifacciale, dalle forme lineari ed essenziali, può essere posizionata a muro o a centro stanza come divisorio di ambienti.  Codex è costituita da vani di differenti misure che rivestono l’intera superficie. L’effetto che si crea è quello di un reticolo geometrico di “vuoti e pieni”.
(Dimensioni: L232 P38 H189 cm)

Mobile CEPPO

Design: Marco Fiorentino

Vincitore dell’edizione 2013 del Concorso Il Mobile Significante dedicato all’universo dei piccoli complementi d’arredo, Ceppo è un oggetto multifunzionale da utilizzare come tavolino o come seduta. E’ costituito da 4 elementi ( 10xP10xH30cm l’uno), ciascuno con tre lati a spigoli lisci e uno sagomato, uniti da 3 elastici in gomma sintetica. Il CEPPO intero (L20xP20xH30cm) si può avere in una versione lineare o classica, a seconda di dove si posiziona lo spigolo sagomato se internamente o a vista.  Proposto in legno massello di zebrano.

Bloc_10 _ 5468796 Architecture _ CANADA

The project:

Bloc_10 is a multi-family housing project that strives to re-imagine and re-invent the market-driven condominium. Situated on the site of a former gas station, the developer wanted a modestly priced building designed and constructed within 12 months. The resulting three-storey, 10-unit condominium is modeled after a ‘white-box’ concept: each buyer purchases an unfinished unit with basic plumbing, heating and electrical systems installed, allowing them to decide which rooms and finishes they would like on each floor. 5468796 challenged traditional townhouse layouts with apartments that cross from one side of the building to the other as they ascend over three levels. This arrangement provides every unit with north and south views, and transforms eight into corner suites. To take advantage of the maximum allowable mass for the development, cantilevered projections expand rooms, create balconies and provide support for the screen of vertical wood slats that wraps the exterior. The screen provides each homeowner with privacy and shade, filtering surrounding views and creating a buffer against traffic noise. The screen’s sheer texture unifies the façade and gives Bloc_10 a distinctive identity within the neighbourhood.


© James Brittain Photography


© James Brittain Photography


© James Brittain Photography


© James Brittain Photography

Serving underprivileged families, Winnipeg’s Centre Village housing cooperative utilizes design to help revitalize a neglected inner-city neighbourhood and to provide its residents with a unique setting that inspires pride and community. The site was an abandoned lot zoned for six single-family houses. Instead, the

established a micro village of 25 dwellings within six, three-storey blocks. The blocks’ arrangement both defines and animates two public spaces – a through-street and a shared courtyard – that weave the city into the project and provide amenities for residents and neighbours. Each dwelling has its own entrance at grade or up an exterior staircase, reducing internal circulation and prompting residents to get to know one another.


© 5468796 Architecture

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Enzo Mari – Autoprogettazione story

Autoprogettazione 1974

In 1974, with Autoprogettazione, loosely translated as ‘self-design,’ ‘self-made,’ or ‘self-projects,’ Mari sought to give people quality furniture, designed by a designer, but made by the consumer’s own hand with just a hammer, nails and off-the-shelf lumber. He created blueprints for 19 designs: nine tables, three chairs, a bench, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, and four beds. And then he offered to send the plans to anyone who sent him a self-addressed and stamped envelope.

Autoprogettazione 2010 – Enzo Mari + Artek – Sedia Chair 1

In celebration of their 75th anniversary, Artek has partnered with Mari to ‘produce’ the Sedia 1 chair, meaning they are selling a kit that includes a stack of wood (pre-cut pine boards), nails, and blueprints for the chair. Along with the project, Artek released a lovely little documentary, “Enzo Mari for Artek: Homage to Autoprogettazione,” which debuted at the Triennale in Milan in April, and was shown at an event at the Conran Shop in NYC last Wednesday. The film allows Mari himself to tell the story of the project. Alternately smoking a cigar and getting down to business building a Sedia 1 himself, the 78-y.o. working designer recounts why he started the project, and why he is thrilled (in that low-key straight-faced Mari way) that Artek chose to produce the Sedia 1 now.

The chair itself is low to the ground, and yes, doesn’t exactly look comfortable, but like Mari, it carries a resolute and quiet pride. The Conran Shop is selling the kit for $310. And Artek’s website hints that there may be more piles o’ wood to buy and turn into a collaborative effort between you and Enzo Mari: “Sedia 1 – Chair is the first object from the famous and thought-provoking project “Autoprogettazione” (1974) to go into production with Artek.”(Source: Designboom)

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