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    August 2011
    M T W T F S S

METROSOL PARASOL – Wood and public spaces

© Hufton + Crow . Tutti i Diritti Riservati. Pubblicata il 13 Maggio 2011

“Metropol Parasol” is a new landmark of the city of Seville – a place of identification and presentation of Seville’s role as one of the most fascinating cultural places in Spain. 
”Metropol Parasol” offers the potential to make the Plaza de la Encarnación into a new contemporary urban center. The role of this unique urban space in the center of the dense structure of the medieval old town of Seville provides a wide variety of differentiated activities, from the presentation of local history to recreation and shopping. The well developed infrastructure makes the place very alive as a destination for tourists and for citizens of the city. 
The concept of “Metropol Parasol” with the large mushroom-like structures in the basement houses an archaeological museum, an indoor market place at street level, an elevated plaza for events, a bar, restaurants and a panoramic tour on top of the Parasols. The polyurethane-coated timber structure grows out of the level of the archaeological excavation as a logo for the city. The multi-functional range of uses of the “Metropol Parasol” initiates a dynamic development of cultural and commercial facilities in the heart of Seville. (from Europa Concorsi)

© Hufton + Crow . Tutti i Diritti Riservati. Pubblicata il 13 Maggio 2011

Link EUROPACONCORSI – Metropol Parasol